FSW Tools

An FSW tool consists of a protruding pin that plunges into workpieces and a larger concentric shoulder that remains on the surface of the joint. When tools rotate in contact with the base workpiece material, the action creates frictional heat that produces a plasticized region around the tool.

With extensive FSW tooling experience, Mazak MegaStir is an industry leader in the development of advanced FSW tooling produced from ultrahard materials for specific part material applications. We are the current patent holders for using diamond tool material in FSW joining of aluminum and cooper applications and the original inventors of PCBN tools for steel part applications. Additionally, we currently hold a patent for tools made from our special blend of PCBN.

Diamond FSW Tooling

High-performance diamond tools for full-rate production.

Diamond FSW Tool


  • Tips: polycrystalline diamond
  • Shank/Shoulder: 1 inch, 25 mm, 38 mm, 50 mm
  • Shoulder Diameter: 25 mm, 38 mm, 50 mm
  • Threading: C4 or MM
  • Custom Pin: Contact Mazak MegaStir

Standard FSW Tooling

Standard tools for joining soft metals.

Standard FSW Tool


  • Tips: H13 tool steel
  • Shank/Shoulder: 1 inch, 25 mm, 38 mm, 50 mm
  • Shoulder Diameter: 25 mm, 38 mm, 50 mm
  • Threading: C4 or MM
  • Custom Pin: Contact Mazak MegaStir

High Temp CBN FSW Tooling

Robust tool for various high-strength metals.

High Temperature FSW Tool


  • Tips: PCBN with tungsten-rhenium binder
  • Shank/Shoulder: 1 inch, 25 mm, 38 mm, 50 mm
  • Shoulder Diameter: 25 mm, 38 mm, 50 mm
  • Threading: C4 or MM
  • Custom Pin: Contact Mazak MegaStir

FSW Tool Holders

With all aspects of effective FSW in mind, Mazak MegaStir continues to lead in the advancement of tool holding technology for the process. Within that technology are the company’s patent Intelligent Tool Holders that allow Mazak machines to seamlessly switch from conventional machining processes to FSW operations with the speed and simplicity of an automated tool change.

Intelligent Liquid-Cooled Tool Holder

For even greater accuracy and process security, the FSW Intelligent Tool Holder is also available with a liquid-cooled variant that provides all the same integrated features with the addition of advanced temperature-control capabilities. Liquid cooling ensures the longest tool life and the strongest possible welds, especially in high-temperature applications or those performed with softer FSW pin materials.

Intelligent Liquid-Cooled Tool Holder


Maximum load capability

20,000 Ibf (88.9kN)

Maximum spindle speed

1,000 rpm

Wireless frequency

2.4 GHz IEEE

Analog output

8 channel analog outputs (0-3vDC)

Temperature sample rates

64 hertz

Load sample rates

512 hertz

Tool shank size

25/38/50 mm diameter

Intelligent Tool Holder

The FSW Intelligent Tool Holder is an all-in-one tool holder and telemetry system that collects tool temperature, Z-axis load and data wirelessly for fine-tuning the FSW process. Analog outputs enable holder integration with Mazak’s MAZATROL Smooth machine controls for temperature or force-based algorithmic control of the process.

Intelligent Tool Holder

Features and Specifications


·      Wireless telemetry system with load, temperature and torque measurement capability.

·      Works as a stand-alone device or simultaneously with a PC using USB interface for added utility.

·      Easy to use “nodes” are fully rechargeable and connect wirelessly to a USB receiver.

·      Up to 8 analog outputs for PID control (including output replicates).


Spindle taper

CAT 40, CAT 50, HSK

Load capability

6,000 lbf (26.6kN) max

Maximum spindle speed

4,000 RPM

Wireless frequency

2.4 GHz IEEE 802.14.4-compliant

Analog output

8 channel analog outputs (0-3vDC)

Temperature sample rates

64 hertz

Load sample rates

512 hertz

Tool shank size

25 mm diameter